Today is a very important date for me: one year ago I started my own blog – “L’Essenziale Home Designs”.
It is a place where I share my ideas, inspirations, knowledge, everything which has interested me in terms of Interior Design.
I always enjoy publishing new posts, however I must admit, blogging was not always very easy for me. Sometimes I had to struggle with lack of time, laziness, writing block, but despite all this, it’s been always a place, where I wanted to come back again and again. Mainly it was because of you, my readers, who shared here your thoughts, supported me with encouraging comments and motivated to write more.
Here are some important achievement and milestones during this very long, but very interesting year:
1) My readership achieved 1562 followers, my blog were visited almost 33000 thousand times and I’ve received 1000 comments.
2) The most popular posts were:
– Top CAD Programs For Interior Designers: Review
– Art Nouveau Interior Design: Get The Style
3) My social media networks, which I mainly use to share my blog content also have got constant followers (here I must confess that one year ago I didn’t have any Twitter, Google + or LinkedIn account):
My Facebook page has got 305 likes
857 people follow me on Twitter
348 people have me in circles on Google +
4) But the most important achievement for me was that I learnt so many things, discovered so many ideas, got to know so many nice people, which I never would be able to do without this blog.
I don’t want to put any goals anymore, I just want to use it as a place where I come back again and again for sharing my thoughts and inspirations with others.
Thank you for being with me during this year and see you again soon!
Anna Nahman